Goatpenis - Anesthetic Vapor

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2017
01. Intro - Tambours Géants
02. Anesthetic Vapors
03. Humanatomy Grinder Chatter Studie
04. Machiavelli Reputation - Chapter
05. Excrementory Genocide
06. Carnivorous Ability
07. Krieg Und Frieden
08. Front Toward Enemy
09. Hallucinatory Sirens
10. Oppressive Ferric Noise
11. Pleasant Atrocities March
Goatpenis & Kurgaall - Satanic Terror Weapons

Genre: Black Death Metal/Black Metal
Country: Brazil/Italy
Year: 2016
01. Carnivorous Ability
02. Allucinatory Sirens
03. Terror
04. Heretic Weapons
Goatpenis - Apocalypse War

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2016
01. Into - Ride Of The Apocalypse
02. Master Blaster
03. Final Attomic Battle
04. Captain Benjamin Willard
05. Colonel Bill Kilgore
06. Colonel Lucas
07. Colonel Walter E. Kurtz
08. General R. Corman
09. The Hollow Man
10. This Is The Way The World Ends (T.S. Eliot)
Goatpenis - Apocalypse War

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2015
01. Intro - Ryde Ov The Apocalypze
02. Captain Willard
03. Colonel Bill Killgore
04. Master Blaster
05. Reads The Hollow Eliot
06. Black Rain (Live Milan 2014)
07. Carnivorous Ability (Live Milan 2014)
08. Effects Of Radiation On Humans (Live Milan 2014)
09. Final Atomic Battle (Live Milan 2014)
10. Hollow Man (Live Milan 2014)
11. Soldier Of Blasphemy (Live Milan 2014)
12. Victims (Rehearsal 2015)
13. War Metal March (Rehearsal 2015)
Goatpenis - Flesh Consumed in the Battlefield

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2014
01. Battlefield Blood March
02. Strategic Anti-Life Bomber
03. Bellvm contra hvmanitatem
04. Dunkel Himmel
05. Effects of Radiation on Humans (Dosage of Radiation)
06. Extremely High Doses: 4000-5000 Rads (Radiation Exposure Vascular System)
07. Nuclear Proliferation
08. By Disgrace of God (By Disgrace of God cover)
09. Mutual Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)
10. R.I.O.D.O. (By Disgrace of God cover)
11. The Largest Stockpiles of Weapons
12. Bloody Battles (Suppurated Fetus cover)
Goatpenis & Nyogthaeblisz - Terroristic Onslaught of Humanicidal Chaos

Genre: Black Death Metal/Black Metal
Country: Brazil/United States
Year: 2012
01. Bellum Contra Humanitatem
02. Dunkel Himmel
03. Chemical Eucharist
04. Biocidal Anointing
05. Radioactive Sacrament
06. Nuclear Expiation
Goatpenis - Depleted Ammunition

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2011
01. FROG-7 Missiles
02. MGM-5 Corporal
03. M110 Howitzer
04. M107 175MM SP
05. MGM-29 Sergeant
06. W70 Nuclear Warhead
07. Potentially Weaponizable CLGG
08. Railgun - E.E.G.
09. Mass Driver (Electromagnetic Catapult)
10. MK-71 8
11. Combustion Light Gas Gun (CLGG)
Goatpenis - Mission Directive: Total Extermination

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2010
01. Hollow Voices of Doom
02. Eht Tsrow Sdrow
03. Grey Toxic Bivalent Metallic Element
04. Psichopatic Anal Terror
05. Disgorgement
06. Jesus Coward
07. The Pugnacious Force That Devours All Reason
08. Celebrating the Revenge of All the Times/Outro
Goatpenis - Biochemterrorism

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2010
01. Once Blood Was Spilt
02. Fatal Equinox (Perpetual Resplendence)
03. The Pugnacious Force That Devours All Reason
04. Perfect Prototype of an Apocalypse
05. Death Emperor Rules Supreme
06. Frantic Fury (1.225° C.) (Abortion of the Macrocosm)
07. The Future of Mankind Is Nuclear Breath
08. Last Burial of the Human Race
09. Intraspecific Killing
10. Infinite Paths to the Land of Suicide
11. Chaos Dominium
Goatpenis - Welt in Flammen

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2009
01. Iluding
02. Suffering
03. Ripping
04. Almost Now
05. Older
06. Bloody Battles
07. The Rest of Nothing
08. Suppurated Fetus
09. Violento Sarcasmo
10. Segregacao Esquizoide
11. Genesis CH2, V7
12. Peccavi
13. Lord of Wrong
14. In Articulo Mortis
15. Insufferable
16. Pray For God
17. Ortni
18. Sucrop Cinatas
19. Shavohej Defeated
20. Kcalb Mood
21. Eht Tsrow Sdrow
22. Roman Revenge
23. High Temperature Fires
24. Black Rain
25. Machine Voidness
26. Lethal Binary Chemical Munitions
27. ICBM
28. Homo Homini Lupus
29. Biochemical Annihilation
Goatpenis - Apotheosis of War

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2006
01. Almost Now
02. In Articulo Mortis
03. Sucrop Cinatas
04. Black Orgy
05. Psychopatic Anal Terror
06. Jesus Coward
07. High Temperature Fire
08. Byochemical Annihilation
Goatpenis - Celebrating the Revenge of All the Times
Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2005
01. Celebrating the Revenge of All the Times
Goatpenis - Inhumanization

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 2004
01. Byochemical Annihilation
02. Machine Voidness
03. Roman Revenge
04. Zyklon-B
05. Black Rain
06. High Temperature Fires
07. Lethal Binary Chemical Munitions
08. ICBM
09. Homo Hommini Lupus
10. Soldier of Blasphemy
11. Inhumanization (Outro)
Goatpenis & Death Squadron - High Temperature Fire & Genocide Before Extinction

Genre: Black Death Metal/Death Metal
Country: Brazil/Spain
Year: 2004
01. High Temperature Fires
02. Zyklon-B
Death Squadron
03. Genocide Before Extinction
04. Towards An Age Of Intolerance
Goatpenis - Jesus Coward

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 1994
01. Intro (Napalm Kill)
02. Necromegatons
03. Jesus Coward
04. Ziklon-B
05. Final Atomic Battle
06. Outro (Black Kaos)
Goatpenis - Blessed by War

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 1993
01. Psichopatic Anal Terror...
02. Barbaric Sodomy
03. Blessed by War
04. Jesus Coward
05. Master Blaster
06. Final Atomic Battery
07. III Mundial War
Goatpenis - htaeD no tabbaS

Genre: Black Death Metal
Country: Brazil
Year: 1992
01. Ortni
02. Sucrop Cinatas
03. S'havoej Detaefed
04. Kcalb Mood
05. Eht Tsrow Sdrow
Hey bro, thanks for the music, however I'd like to report that most links are broken already, I hope you can fix them, thanks a lot in advance.