Seges Findere - Panzer Crushing Warmachine

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2019
01. 01
02. 02
03. 03
04. 04
05. 05
06. 06
07. 07
08. 08
09. 09
10. 10
11. 11
12. 12
13. 13
14. 14
15. 15
16. 16
Seges Findere - Atrocious Decimation

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2019
01. 01
02. 02
03. 03
04. 04
05. 05
06. 06
07. 07
08. 08
09. 09
10. 10
11. 11
12. 12
13. 13
14. 14
15. 15
16. 16
Seges Findere - Atrocious Decimation

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2019
01. Inflammatory Ragnarok
02. Barbed Wirelust
03. Massgrave Veneration
04. Proud To Hate Again
05. Violent Dissemination
06. Terminate Virulent Faggotry
07. Punishment For The Worthless Subhumanoids
08. Militant Hate Assault
09. Goatstaapo
10. Modern World Metastasis
11. Terrorist Indoctrination
12. Demiurge Of Misery
13. Impale All Pussies
14. Wolfschanze Legions
Seges Findere - Mortal Grinder

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2016
01. Mortal Grinder
02. Volunteers Of Victory
03. The Multicunts Misery
04. Terrornoise
05. Total Warsphere
06. Disciples Of The Black Sun
07. Hatestrike
08. Intolerance Is Right
09. Crush, Kill & Destroy The Antifa Trannies
10. Scoriam Mortis
11. Hollyjude Shit
12. Indominus
13. Unrivalled
14. Guts For The Wardemons
15. Fire On Diaspora Pest
16. Strategema Letalis
17. Aggressive Reaction
18. No Abolition
19. Repulsive Trash
20. Coprophagic Wiesentales
21. Protocol Of Extinction
22. Vômito Atômico
Seges Findere - Warmastered By Deathkorps

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2015
01. Breath The Gas Of The Rats
02. Recruited To The True Holocaust
03. Nuke The Hebe Kids
04. Blow Out The Rabinicunts
05. The March Of Deathkorps
06. Segregationist Activismus
07. Blood Parasites
08. Antifags Artillery
09. Smash The Black Tribes
10. Criminal Hatespawn
11. No Hope For The Subhumans
Nokturne & Seges Findere - Artilharia de Satanás

Country: United States/Brazil
Year: 2015
Seges Findere
01. Recruited To The True Holocaust
02. Blow Out The Rabinicunts
03. Shalomicide
04. Vrilmacht
05. Witch Ov Buchenwald
06. Vrilmacht (Rehearsal 2014)
Seges Findere - As Wolves We Kill

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2014
01. As Wolves We Kill
02. Onward To Predatory Vengeance
03. Taste The Blood And Death
04. Breaking The Bones Of Prey
05. Totalitaryan Wolflust/Warmongers Kommando
06. Shine Black The Sun, Shine Blood The Moon
07. Atomize The Breath Of Subhumankind
08. The Laws Of Scourge (Sarcófago Cover)
Nocturnal Fear & Seges Findere - Allied For The Upcoming Genocide

Genre: Thrash Metal/NSBM
Country: United States/Brazil
Year: 2013
Nocturnal Fear
01. Blood On The Battlefield
02. Infernal Nuclear War
03. Cast From Heaven 2013
04. Invade To Conquer (Pt.2)
Seges Findere
05. Luftwaffe Trumpet Resounds
06. On The Bloodshores Of Normandie
Seges Findere - Hateful Wargasm

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2013
01. Nuklear Pyroclastic Storms
02. Hateful Wargasm
03. Enhanced Weapon Of Destruction
04. Trenches Of Warwolves
05. Proud Arsonist
06. Martial Conqueror
07. SubHuman Carrion
08. SchwarzeSonne Desolation
Seges Findere - Dessemitize

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2012
01. Prelude To Jerusalem Bombardment / Dessemitize (Antisemitic Fundamentalism)
02. Tales From The Demented False Prophet
03. Counter-islamic Terrorism
04. Before The Shariah Subjugation
05. Repulsing Episcopal Sodomites
06. Genocide To The Abrahamic Subrace
07. Overthrow The Menorah's Curse
08. Holohoax, The Fancy Of Morons
09. Defile Levitic Kikes
Seges Findere & Purification Kommando & Nocturnal Damnation - Bloodshed for the Wargods

Genre: NSBM/Black Death Metal/Death Black Metal
Country: Brazil/Denmark/Korea, South
Year: 2012
Seges Findere
01. Bound by Hatred
02. Nuklearmageddoom
03. Noktural Wchrmacht Horde
04. Satanic Blood (Von cover)
05. The Southern Warbeasts
Purification Kommando
06. Weill Summon the Age of War
07. Putrification Kommando
08. Destroy Everything
09. I Am the Hammer (of Satan)
10. Summing the Beast
11. Chainsaw Goatfuck (Sadomator cover)
Nocturnal Damnation
12. The Almighty Sathanas
13. Apocalyptic Nuclear War
14. Iron Baphomet's Demoniac Reign
Seges Findere - Genocidal Offensive

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2012
01. Fertur in Arva Furens Cumulo (intro) (Nuevo Ideal Nacional cover)
02. Tribulation of the Envenomed Sulfuric Mist
03. Luftwaffe Trumpet Resounds
04. Flames of Retaliation
05. On the Bloodshores of Normandie
06. Elitaryan Weltanschauung
07. Unrelenting Deworming
08. Shalomicide
09. Ancestral Apartheid
10. Lonewolf Terrorist
11. Dawn of the Nuclear Holocaust (Purification Kommando cover)
12. Outro
Seges Findere - Terrorist Warfare

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2011
01. Ready For The Terrorist Warfare
02. Bullets On Jewsus Corpse
03. Rain Ov Bombs
04. Shoot Down Your Enemies
05. Shine Black The Sun, Shine Blood The Moon
06. The Southern Warbeast
07. Judeo-Christian-Islamicide
08. When The Black Sun Rises
09. Infuriated
10. Purified By Warlokaust
11. Invokation Ov Bubonic Slaughterisation
12. Deathkult To Humanscum
13. Machine Ov Jewicide
14. Peace To Pieces
15. War To Rex Judeaorum
16. Total Angelical Genocide
17. Evil Harvester
18. Outro
Seges Findere - Totalitaryan Wolflust

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2011
01. Apokalyptic Wolves Ov Waffen
02. Iron Resistance
03. Intolerant Black Metal Warskins
04. Krieg Macht Frei
05. Nokturnal Wehrmacht Horde
06. Pogromistic Prophecy
07. Spread Hate Crime
08. The Conqueror Speech
09. The Southern Warbeasts
10. White Noise (Skrewdriver Cover)
11. Worship The Absolute Terror
12. Warmongers Kommando
Seges Findere - Proclamation Of Blood Vengeance

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2010
01. Preludium / Ascention Through Holocaust-The Triumphant Kult Of Plutonium
02. Apokalyptik Harvester
03. Krieg Macht Frei
04. The Heathen Race Of Satan
05. Deathcamp To Semitic Plague
06. Eradication Of Abominations
07. Sniper Beast
08. Ultima Ratio Regis
09. Bound By Hatred
10. Proclamation Of Blood Vengeance
11. Last Rites - Crematory Exaltation
12. Pesttanz (Absurd Cover)
Seges Findere & Doomsday Cult - Warmongers of the Doomsday Cult

Genre: NSBM/War Black Metal
Country: Brazil/Russia
Year: 2010
Seges Findere
01. Hailing the Grenadiers
02. Warmongers Kommando
03. Blitzkrieg Panzersturm Warstrike
04. Burning Semitic Temples
05. Satanik Hatecore Holokaust
06. White Noise (Skrewdriver cover)
Doomsday Cult
07. Пролог
08. РДС-220
09. Узел войны
10. Линия разлома
11. Омницид
12. Третий потоп человеческой крови
Seges Findere - Massacre Supermacista

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2009
01. Intro
02. Superior Kult Ov Totenkopf
03. Infuriated
04. Spread Hate Crime
05. Burn Judea Porks
06. Pogromistic Prophecy
07. Intolerant Black Metal Warskins
08. Worship The Absolute Terror
09. Purified By Warlokaust
10. The Conqueror Speech
11. Invokation Ov Bubonic Slaughterisation
12. Iron Resistance
13. Apokalyptic Wolves Ov Waffen
14. Atomize The Breath Ov Subhumankind
15. Outro
Seges Findere & Nuclear Thorn - Nulification Warmongery

Genre: NSBM/Black Metal
Country: Brazil/Poland
Year: 2009
Seges Findere
01. Intro
02. Marching Over Putrid Semitic Corpses
03. Infuriated
Nuclear Thorn
04. Voice Of Eternal War
05. In Honour Of Death
Seges Findere & Via Dolorosa - W.P.S.S.

Country: Brazil/Italy
Year: 2008
Via Dolorosa
01. Blut Und Boden
02. Il Trionfo Della Volontá
03. Germanien Über Alles (Absurd Cover)
Seges Findere
04. Embracing Ye Dragon Flames
05. The Progeny Of Shadows
06. Merciless Shall Be Thy Conquest
Seges Findere & 88 - United By White Terror Propaganda

Country: Brazil /Bulgaria
Year: 2008
Seges Findere
01. Totalytarian Wolflust
02. Black Metal Skinhead Terror
03. Frontline Ov The Neo-Reich
04. Die Jugend Marschiert (Outro)
05. Rebirth Of The Arii's Throne
06. Exterminating The Subhuman Dust
07. Destroyer Of The Zion-Communism
Seges Findere - Death To Peace Is Our Gospel

Genre: NSBM
Land: Brasilien
Jahr: 2006
01. Blutendes Todeslust
02. In Verzückung töte ich
03. Offenbarungen in Tod und Feuer
04. Verwüstung ... Bloodlands!
05. Evil Harvester
06. Krieg an Rex Judeaorum
07. Bloodrain auf den Leichenwäldern
08. Angelical Völkermord
09. Umarmung der Drachenflammen (Version 1999)
10. Beschwörung der Kriegsführung
11. Shine Black The Sun, Shine Blood The Moon
12. Umarmung der Drachenflammen (2000'version)
Seges Findere - Wolves In Battlelust

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 2000
01. Bleeding Deathlust
02. In Rapture I Kill
03. Revelations In Death & Fire
04. Devastation ...Bloodlands!
Seges Findere - Suprema Victoria Draconis

Genre: NSBM
Country: Brazil
Year: 1999
01. Embracing Ye Dragon Flames
02. Warfare Summoning
03. Shine Black The Sun, Shine Blood The Moon
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