Abigor - Four Keys to a Foul Reich (Songs of Pestilence, Darkness and Death)

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2019
01. Supreme and Immortal
02. Soil of Souls
03. Kingdom of Darkness
04. Severance
05. Celestial
06. Eerie Constellation
07. Black Icarus
08. Metamorphosis
09. Satan in Me
10. Supreme Immortal Art
11. Blood and Soil
12. Magic Glass Monument
13. The Spirit of Venus
14. Eclipse My heart, Crown Me
15. Soil of Souls
16. Exhausted Remnants
Abigor - Black Icarus / Metamorphosis

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2018
01. Black Icarus
02. Metamorphosis
Abigor - Höllenzwang (Chronicles of Perdition)

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2018
01. All Hail Darkness and Evil
02. Sword of Silence
03. Black Death Sathanas (Our Lord's Arrival)
04. The Cold Breath of Satan
05. None Before Him
06. Olden Days
07. Hymn to the Flaming Void
08. Christ's Descent Into Hell
09. Ancient Fog of Evil
Abigor & Nightbringer & Thy Darkened Shade & Mortuus - Split

Genre: Black Metal/Black Metal/Black Metal/Black Metal
Country: Austria/United States/Greece/Sweden
Year: 2017
01. Abigor
02. Nightbringer
Thy Darkened Shade
03. Thy Darkened Shade
04. Mortuus
Abigor - Kingdom of Darkness

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2016
01. Kingdom of Darkness
02. Severance
03. Celestial
Abigor - 1994-1998: The Complete Hörnix Recordings

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2015
01. Verwüstung / Invoke the Dark Age
02. Orkblut - The Retaliation
03. Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
04. Opus IV
05. Apokalypse
06. Supreme Immortal Art

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2014
01. Temptation I: Ego
02. Temptation II: Stasis
03. Temptation III: Akrasia
04. Temptation IV: Indulgence
05. Temptation V: Neglect
06. Temptation VI: Compos Mentis
07. Temptation VII: Excessus
Abigor - Supreme and Immortal Is the Art of the Devil

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2013
01. Supreme and Immortal
02. Soil of Souls
Abigor - Quintessence

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2012
Disc 01
01. Channeling the Quintessence of Satan
02. Equilibrium Pass By
03. Demon's Vortex
04. Flesh Magic Rites
05. Dawn of Human Dust
06. Utopia Consumed
07. Pandemonic Revelation
08. Towards Beyond
Disc 02
01. Filii Septemtrionum / Diabolic Unity
02. Saeculum Obscurum / Kingdom of Darkness
03. Animae Tortae
04. Finis Redemptionis / Crawl Back to Your Cross
05. Obliteration
06. Midwintertears
07. Eye to Eye at Armageddon
08. Abyssmal Scorn
09. Other Truth
10. The Prophecy
11. Universe of Black Divine
12. My Soft Vision in Blood
13. Dance of the Dead
14. In Sin
15. Shadowlord
Abigor - Time Is the Sulphur in the Veins of the Saint - An Excursion on Satan's Fragmenting Principle

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2010
01. Part I
02. Part II
Abigor - Apokalypse & Origo Regium 1993-1994

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2008
01. Celestial
02. Verwüstung
03. Ein Hauch von Kälte
04. Hyperwelt
05. Tu es Diaboli Juna
06. Ubique Daemon
07. Filli Septemtrionum (Intro)
08. Kingdom of Darkness
09. Eye to Eye at Armageddon
10. Animae Tortae
11. My Soft Vision in Blood
12. Abysmal Scorn
13. Shadowlord
14. Midwintertears / Obliteration (Outro)
Abigor - Fractal Possession

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2007
01. Warning
02. Project: Shadow
03. Cold Void Choir
04. Lair of Infinite Desperation
05. 3D Blasphemy
06. The Fire Syndrome
07. Injection Satan
08. Liberty Rises a Diagonal Flame
09. Vapourized Tears
10. Heaven Unveiled
Abigor - Shockwave 666

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2004
01. Dawn of Human Dust (2002 version)
02. Repulsor (Pulsar 2003)
Abigor - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom) / Orkblut - The Retaliation

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2004
01. Unleashed Axe-Age
02. Scars in the Landscape of God
03. Reborn Through the Gates of Three Moons
04. Dornen
05. As Astral Images Darken Reality
06. The Dark Kiss
07. I Face the Eternal Winter
08. Revealed Secrets of the Whispering Moon
09. A Frozen Soul in a Wintershadow
10. The Prophecy
11. Bloodsoaked Overture
12. Remembering Pagan Origins
13. The Rising of Our Tribe
14. Medieval Echoes
15. Emptiness / Menschenfeind / Untamed Devastation
16. ...to the Final Strike
17. Battlefield Orphans
18. The Soft and Last Sleep
19. Severance
20. Langsam Verhalte des Lebens Schmerz
Abigor - Verwüstung / Invoke the Dark Age - Opus IV

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2004
01. Universe of Black Divine
02. Kingdom of Darkness
03. Beneath a Steel Sky
04. Eye to Eye at Armageddon
05. In Sin
06. My Soft Vision in Blood
07. Weeping Midwinter Tears
08. Diabolic Unity
09. A Spell of Dark and Evil
10. Crimson Horizons and Ashen Skies
11. Eerie Constellation
12. Mirages for the Eyes of the Blind
13. A Breath from World's Beyond
14. The Elder God (My Dragon Magic)
15. Dimensions of Thy Unforgiven Sins, Pt. 1
16. Dimensions of Thy Unforgiven Sins, Pt. 2
17. Spektrale Schattenlichter
Abigor - Satanized (A Journey Through Cosmic Infinity)

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2001
01. The Legacy
02. Repulsor
03. Battlestar Abigor
04. Galaxies and Eons Decline
05. Luminescense of Darkness
06. Nocturnal Stardust
07. Satan's Galaxy
08. The Redeemer's Return

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 2000
01. Terrible Certainty (Kreator cover)
02. Crionics (Slayer cover)
03. Shadowlord
04. Crimson Horizons (rehearsal version)
05. Verwüstung (rough mix)
Password: Miðgarðs Eldar
Abigor - Channeling the Quintessence of Satan

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1999
01. Dawn of Human Dust
02. Pandemonic Revelation
03. Equilibrium Pass By
04. Wildfire and Desire
05. Utopia Consumed
06. Demon's Vortex
07. Towards Beyond
08. Pandora's Miasmic Breath
Abigor - Origo Regium 1993-1994

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1998
01. Filli Septemtrionum (Intro)
02. Kingdom of Darkness
03. Eye to Eye at Armageddon
04. Animae Tortae
05. My Soft Vision in Blood
06. Abysmal Scorn
07. Shadowlord
08. Midwintertears / Obliteration (Outro)
Password: Miðgarðs Eldar
Abigor - Structures of Immortality

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1998
01. The Spirit of Venus
02. Magic Glass Monument
Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1998
01. Satan in Me
02. Supreme Immortal Art
03. Soil of Souls
04. Eclipse My Heart, Crown Me King
05. The Spirit of Venus
06. Blood and Soil
07. Magic Glass Monument
08. Exhausted Remnants
Abigor - Apokalypse

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1997
01. Celestial
02. Verwüstung
03. Ein Hauch von Kälte
04. Hyperwelt
05. Tu Es Diaboli Juna
06. Ubique Daemon
Abigor - Opus IV

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1996
01. Crimson Horizons and Ashen Skies
02. Eerie Constellation
03. Mirages for the Eyes of the Blind
04. A Breath from Worlds Beyond
05. The Elder God (My Dragon Magic)
06. Dimensions of Thy Unforgiven Sins / Part 1
07. Dimensions of Thy Unforgiven Sins / Part 2
08. Spektrale Schattenlichter
Abigor - Nachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1995
01. Unleashed Axe-Age
02. Scars in the Landscape of God
03. Reborn Through the Gates of Three Moons
04. Dornen
05. As Astral Images Darken Reality
06. The Dark Kiss
07. I Face the Eternal Winter
08. Revealed Secrets of the Whispering Moon
09. A Frozen Soul in a Wintershadow
Abigor - Orkblut - The Retaliation

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1995
01. The Prophecy
02. Bloodsoaked Overture
03. Remembering Pagan Origins
04. The Rising of Our Tribe
05. Medieval Echoes
06. Emptiness / Menschenfeind / Untamed Devastation
07. ...To the Final Strike
08. Battlefield Orphans
09. The Soft and Last Sleep
10. Severance
11. Langsam verhallte des Lebens Schmerz
Abigor - Verwüstung / Invoke the Dark Age

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1994
01. Universe of Black Divine
02. Kingdom of Darkness
03. Beneath a Steel Sky
04. Eye to Eye at Armageddon
05. In Sin
06. My Soft Vision in Blood
07. Weeping Midwintertears
08. Diabolic Unity
09. A Spell of Dark and Evil
Abigor - In Hate & Sin

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1994
01. My Soft Vision in Blood
02. Diabolic Unity
03. Universe of Black Divine
04. In Sin (partly)
05. Eye to Eye at Armageddon
Abigor - Moonrise

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1994
01. The Prophecy
02. Universe of Black Divine
03. My Soft Vision in Blood
Abigor - Promo Tape 2/94

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1994
01. Eye to Eye at Armageddon
02. Abysmal Scorn
03. Other Truth
Abigor - Lux Devicta Est

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1993
01. Filii Septemtrionum / Diabolic Unity
02. Saeculum Obscurum / Kingdom of Darkness
03. Animae Tortae
04. Finis Redemptionis / Crawl Back to Your Cross
05. Obliteration (Outro)
06. Midwintertears
Abigor - Ash Nazg..

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Austria
Year: 1993
01. Dance of the Dead
02. In Sin
03. Shadowlord
Quintessence all the track is mix 1 only peace. Sucks