葬尸湖 - 孤雁 (Gu Yan)

Genre; Epic Black Metal
Country: China
Year: 2015
01. 暮云 (Intro: Afterglow)
02. 孤雁 (The Lorn Goose)
03. 天庭 (Celestial/Heaven)
04. 梦邀 (广寒 / 仙游 / 南柯) (Sleepwalking (Moon Palace/Sacred Walk/A Fond Dream))
05. 邊關 (The Frontier)
06. 歸去 (Nostalgia)
07. 終曲 (Outro)
08. 孤雁 (The Lorn Goose)
09. 天庭 (Celestial/Heaven)
葬尸湖 - 冬霾 (Winter Mirage)

Genre: Epic Black Metal
Country: China
Year: 2012
01. 冬霾 (Winter Mirage)
02. 幽谷 (Valley of loneness)
葬尸湖 - 奕秋 (Afterimage of Autumn)

Genre: Epic Black Metal
Country: China
Year: 2007
01. 林语 (Whispering Woods)
02. 山神 (God of Scotch Mist)
03. 冥江 (River Metempsychosis)
04. 奕秋 (Afterimage of Autumn)
05. 暮林 (Forest of Twilight)
06. 荒山 (Desolated Mountain)
07. 天狼 (Sirius)
08. 归兮 (Return Journey)
09. 霜月 (Moon of Frost)
葬尸湖 & 英吉沙 - 悲赋之秋 & 司命楼兰 (Autumn of Sad Ode & Siming of Loulan)

Genre: Epic Black Metal/Black Metal
Country: China/China
Year: 2005
01. 秋殇 (Dying in Autumn)
02. 秋思 (Thinking in Autumn)
03. 悲赋 (Sad Ode)
04. 秋逝 (Elapsing in Autumn)
05. 楼兰荒迹 (The Ruins of Loulan)
06. 伏鬼 (Ghosts in Ambush)
07. 孔雀河葬 (Burying in the River of Peacock)
08. 迁徙 (Migration)
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