Venereal Baptism - Repugnant Coronation Of The Beast

Genre: Black Metal
Country: United States
Year: 2019
01. To Castrate Angelic Grace
02. Venereal Fucking Whore
03. Uncleansed in Celestial Mortification
04. Repugnant Coronation of the Beast
05. Blasphemous Sarin Execrations
06. Unfuckable Pacifist Gutterslut
07. Abhorrent Cesspool of Lesser Human Vessels
08. Pestiferous Pious Deflorations
09. Born of Lascivious Degradation
10. Aborted at the Foulest Pit of Hell
Venereal Baptism - Deviant Castigation Liturgy

Genre: Black Metal
Country: United States
Year: 2017
01. Lecherous Immersion Sacrament
02. Centuries of Wrath
03. Impure and Perpetual
04. Victorious!
05. The Winds of Nullification
06. Command
07. A Grand Liberation
08. Gothrapemachine
09. Death March of Glory
Venereal Baptism - Progenitor of All Aberrations

Genre: Black Metal
Country: United States
Year: 2016
01. Psychotic Examination of All Their Preachings and Lies
02. The First Step Towards Salvation
03. A Freaky European Black Metal Madness Cliché
04. ...Then Silence and Stillness Overcomes!
05. Demonic Bad Trip
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