Antiquus Scriptum - Ahbra Khadabra

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2019
01. Epicus Maximus - IX Symphony (Excertos) - Prelúdio
02. The Mirror's Magic Sights
03. Jardim Celeste (TeknoAXE ; Passaggio I)
04. … Lágrymas & Negra Philosophia, no meu Phantasmagórico Labyrintho Theatral…
05. Secretum Templi (Passando o Portal Abracadábrico ; Intermezzo II)
06. Seven Silver Keys (Candlemass cover)
07. Evolve - Nocte Mysterium Regni ; Melodramma III)
08. A Luz Azul (Rádio Macau cover)
09. Skruzos (The Skull Crusher ; Decrescendo IV)
10. Russians (Sting cover)
11. Perfume Secrets (The Lost Words...) - Epílogo
12. (Silence)
13. Hidden Track (TeknoAXE)
Art Imperial & Antiquus Scriptum - Silentium in Foresta

Genre: Black Dark Ambient/Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Brazil/Portugal
Year: 2018
Art Imperial
01. Wolf I
02. Wolf II
03. Exinani Tenebris Noctis
04. Inferno
05. Janelas de Cristais (Piano Depressivo)
Antiquus Scriptum
06. Silentium in Foresta
Antiquus Scriptum & Art Imperial - A Última Batalha

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient/Dark Ambient
Country: Portugal/Brazil
Year: 2018
Antiquus Scriptum
01. O Palácio de Cristal (Il Regno dell'Inverno ; Introduzione)
02. A Lenda Das 7 Cidades (Sonância Arcaica ; OP 34)
03. O Vale de Guadalquivir (Efonia Épica ; OP 35)
04. Ophiussa - A Terra das Serpentes (Adagio Ancestrale ; Opus I)
05. As Ninfas do Tejo (Suite Medievale ; Opus II)
06. A Alegria dos Homens (Trova Allegro ; Conclusione)
Art Imperial
07. Música para a Lua
08. Sonhos Esquecidos
09. Sonhos Perdidos
10. Ecos das Almas
11. Autumn Grey Views (Empyrium cover)
12. Donar's Oak (Falkenbach cover)
Antiquus Scriptum & Ereshkigal - Before Our Passing...

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient/Black Metal
Country: Portugal/Mexico
Year: 2018
Antiquus Scriptum
01. Procemium - A Viking Belief
02. A Batalha De Al-Ashbounah (Ou Lixbona MCXLVII)
03. O Adamastor
04. Tempus Præteritus
05. Intro
06. Black Metal Storm
07. Black Pentagram
08. My Master
09. Spells of Kur-Nu-Gia
10. Too Old in Darkness
11. Coldness
12. Outro
13. Ancient Queen (Emperor cover)
Antiquus Scriptum & Astarium - ...and the Forests Are Dark, Where They Gather... the Guardians of Time

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient/Symphonic Black Metal
Country: Portugal/Russia
Year: 2017
Antiquus Scriptum
01. Primordium / The Skeptic Beholder
02. Noah
03. A Shape of Space & Time
04. A Void Perspective (Sonata Mediana in D minor)
05. Incredible Theory
06. Great God Pan. Experiment
07. Coition with Horror
08. Great God Pan. Divine Legacy
09. Wine of Sabbat
Deviator & Antiquus Scriptum - Once They Claimed the Old Throne of Evropa... Once, They Fought...

Genre: Black Metal/Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Ukraine/Portugal
Year: 2017
01. Old Melancholy
02. Forgotten Hope
03. Long Road to Salvation
04. Cost Of Freedom
05. Mighty Black Inner Flame
06. Thy Blood in My Veins
07. Way of Warrios - Hymn to Immortals
08. Eternity of Blood
Antiquus Scriptum
09. The Eldest Son:Interludium I
10. Remember Me as King
11. A Moment of Clarity
12. Zagallos, Jardim de Falacias (Antifona Moderata:Movimento II)
13. A Sea of Doubts
14. O Outono Medieval (Equinocio Profundo:Movimento V)
Draugûl & Antiquus Scriptum - Den nordiske sjel lever i meg (A Tribute to the Gods)

Genre: Epic Viking Black Metal/Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Malta/Portugal
Year: 2017
01. Black Sabbath (Black Sabbath cover)
02. Heaven and Hell (Black Sabbath cover)
03. Jesu død (Burzum cover)
04. Glemselens elv (Burzum cover)
05. Song to Hall Up High (Bathory cover)
Antiquus Scriptum
06. Transilvanian Hunger (Darkthrone cover)
07. The Fifth Illusion (Rotting Christ cover)
08. Raise Your Fist (Running Wild cover)
09. The Dark (Metal Church cover)
10. I Hate (Overkill cover)
11. Possessed (By Satan) (Gorgoroth cover)
12. Beholding the Daughters of the Firmament (Burzum cover)
13. I en svart kiste (Satyricon cover)
Antiquus Scriptum - Imaginarium

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2017
01. Conselho de guerra (Præludium bellicum)
02. Aljubarrota 1385
03. Terras d'el Rey (Domínios antigos)
04. A tear for Atægina (Trova di di tristezza ; Movimento I)
05. A moment of clarity
06. Zagallos, jardim de falácias (Antifona moderata ; Movimento II)
07. A sea of doubts
08. Atlântica (Adagio in lacrime ; Movimento III)
09. Transilvanian hunger (Darkthrone cover)
10. Tertúlia das bruxas dançantes (Allegro moderato ; Movimento IV)
11. The fifth illusion (Rotting Christ cover)
12. O Outono medieval (Equinócio profundo ; Movimento V)
13. Raise your fist (Running Wild cover)
14. The cold lips of Isabelle (Conclusio lugubris)
Password: nacional
Astarium & Antiquus Scriptum - Hymns to the Ancient Northland

Genre: Symphonic Black Metal/Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Russia/Portugal
Year: 2016
01. Roar of Upcoming War
02. Nebulous Sky III
03. Hunger Under the Full Moon
04. The Crying Orc (Burzum cover)
05. Moranas Lands
06. Frozen Victims of Twilights
07. Birth of the Flame
08. Hvis lyset tar oss (Burzum cover)
Antiquus Scriptum
09. Primordium / The Skeptic Beholder (Excertos I)
10. Noah (Excertos II)
11. Odi at Amo, Excrucior... (Excertos III)
12. Ode to Helskir (Medius # II)
13. Invisible Tears (Medius # III)
14. Solstício d'Inverno - Exitus
15. Zagallos, Jardim de Falácias (Antifona Moderata; Movimento II)
16. Atlântica (Adagio in Lacrime; Movimento III)
17. Tertúlia das Bruxas Dançantes (Adagio Allegro; Movimento IV)
18. O Outono Medieval (Equinócio Profundo; Movimento V)
19. The Cold Lips of Isabelle (Conclusio Lugubris)
20. I en svart kiste (Satyricon cover)

Genre: Black Death Metal/Black Metal Neofolk/Atmospheric Black Metal/Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Italy/Austria/International/Portugal
Year: 2015
Krigere Wolf
01. Wars Ancestral Prophecies
02. Come To Die With Us
03. Supreme Energy Of The Universe
04. Wer Wind Sat…
05. Die Ruhe Vor Dem Sturm
06. …Wird Sturm Ernten
Notre Amertume
07. Cella Serpentibus
08. Tartaros
09. Le Sang d'Ouranos
Antiquus Scriptum
10. Primordium / The Skeptic Beholder
Antiquus Scriptum - Recovering the Throne (Tribute Album)

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2014
01. Manitou (Venom cover)
02. Dethroned emperor (Celtic Frost cover)
03. Skeletons of society (Slayer cover)
04. Futuro nuclear (Psycoma cover)
05. Sententious despicable (The Invertebrate cover)
06. Philosophy of negativity (Mordaça cover)
07. Prelude (Manowar cover)
08. F.M.I. (Ratos De Porão cover)
09. Era de noite e levaram (Zeca Afonso cover)
10. Quando eu morrer (Xutos & Pontapés cover)
11. The dark (Metal Church cover)
12. I hate (Overkill cover)
13. Possessed (By Satan) (Gorgoroth cover)
14. Beholding the daughters of the firmament (Burzum cover)
15. I en svart kiste (Satyricon cover)
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum - Ars Longa, Vita Brevis...

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2013
01. Primordium / The skeptic beholder
02. Honoris causa (Medius # I)
03. Noah
04. Odi at amo, excrucior…
05. A void prespective (Sonata mediana in D minor)
06. A shape of space & time
07. Ode to Helskir (Medius # II)
08. In the kingdom of superstition
09. Invisible rears (Medius # III)
10. F. M. I. (Ratos De Porão cover)
11. Era de noite e levaram (José Afonso cover)
12. Quando eu morrer (Xutos & Pontapés cover)
13. Solstício d'Inverno / Exitus
14. -
Password: nacional
The Sorcerer & Antiquus Scriptum - ... Enterrai os Vivos e Cuidai dos Mortos...

Genre: Black Metal/Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal/Portugal
Year: 2013
The Sorcerer
01. Through the Valley of Shadows
02. A Black Moon Rises
03. Blind Eyes Can See
04. The Stormrider
Antiquus Scriptum
05. Bula Ad Extirpenda (Innocentio IVth, MCCLII - The Saint Office of Inquisition of Faith)
06. In Pulverem Reverteris
07. Eine Suche Nach Wissen
08. Of Dying Seasons (The Cursed Ones)
09. Hidden Outro
Antiquus Scriptum - ... Recôndito é o Nocturno Covil do Misantropo... (Tristeza & Honra em IV Capítulos)

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2012
01. Fleurs du mal - Initium
02. Principium: Cosmogony - The creation
03. Tempus praeteritus
04. The eldest son: Interluidium I
05. Anmchara - Uma alma amiga: Interludium III
06. Invisible tears (Medius # III)
07. Primordium / The skeptic beholder (Excertos I)
08. Noah (Excertos II)
09. Odi at amo, excrucior... (Excertos III)
10. Honoris causa (Medius # I)
11. Intermissio I: Le vaguer du fantôme
12. Intervallum II: Crepusculum
13. Remissio III: My throne burn to ashes
14. A nightside of Eden - Finalis
15. Ad primam auroram
16. Amor platónico
17. A moçoila de Al-Mahadan: Interludium II
18. Ode to Helskir (Medius # II)
19. Solstício d'inverno / Exitus
20. (Faixa escondida)
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum - Symphonies of Winter Through Eternal Forests

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2012
01. The second punic war, CCXVIII - Prologus
02. A hecatombe of slaves
03. A batalha de Al-Ashbounah (Ou Lixbona MCXLVII)
04. A moçoila de Al-Mahadan
05. O adamastor
06. Eu, o misantropo...
07. Inner depression (Syndromes of fear)
08. The eldest son
09. Remember me as king
10. Thy visionary
11. Anmchara - Uma alma amiga
12. Horned cast - Epilogus
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum - Conclamatum Est

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2010
01. The second punic war, CCXVIII B. C. - Prologus
02. A hecatombe of slaves
03. The eldest son - Interludium I
04. Remember me as king
05. A moçoila de Al-Mahadan - Interludium II
06. Den nordiske sjel lever i meg
07. Eu, o misantropo
08. Anmchara - Uma alma amiga - Interludium III
09. Horned cast - Epilogus
10. Manitou (Venom cover)
11. Dethroned emperor (Celtic Frost cover)
12. Skeletons of society (Slayer cover)
13. Futuro nuclear (Psycoma cover)
14. Sententious despicable (The Invertebrate cover)
15. Philosophy of negativity (Mordaça cover)
16. Prelude (Manowar cover)
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum - Immortalis Factus

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2008
01. Procemium / A viking belief
02. Ad primam auroram
03. A batalha de Al-Ashbounah (Ou Lixbona MCXLVII)
04. Kafir
05. O Adamastor
06. Amor platónico
07. Inner depression (Syndromes of fear)
08. I.N.R.I. - Iesus nazarenus rex iudaeorum
09. Thy visionary
10. Tempus praeteritus
11. (Hidden track)
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum - Abi in Malam Pestem

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2002
01. Principium: Cosmogony - The creation
02. Eine suche nach wissen
03. Abi in malam pestem
04. Intermissio I: Le vaguer du fantome
05. Of dying seasons (The cursed ones)
06. Intervallum II: Crepusculum
07. Guardiões do Graal (Ou lapsit exilis)
08. Remissio III: My throne burn to ashes
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum - In Pulverem Reverteris

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 2000
01. Fleurs du mal - Initium
02. Bula ad extirpenda (Innocentio IV, 1252 - Thy saint office of inquisition of faith)
03. In pulverem reverteris
04. A nightside of Eden - Finalis
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum & Systematic Collision - Al - Mahadan MCMXCIX

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient/Death Metal
Country: Portugal/Portugal
Year: 1999
Antiquus Scriptum
01. Fleurs du mal
02. Osculum infame
03. In pulverem reverteris
04. Satanic blood (Von cover)
05. Lucid fairytale (Napalm Death cover)
Systematic Collision
06. Enter the void of spectral velocity
07. Storm machine
08. Maximum egoblaster
09. Cannibalistic devourement (Grog cover)
Password: nacional
Antiquus Scriptum - Tales from the Past Millennium

Genre: Black Viking Metal Ambient
Country: Portugal
Year: 1999
01. Dance Of The Sleepless Souls In A Dusk Called Night... (Intro)
02. Osculum Infame
03. In Pulverem Reverteris
04. Lucid Fairytale (Napalm Death Cover) (Live)
05. Dance Of The Crying Souls In A Dusk Called Night... (Outro)
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