Briargh & Xerión & Sentimen Beltza & Doom Of Valyria - Pagan Spirit

Genre: Celtic Pagan Black Metal/Black Metal/Black Metal/Black Metal
Country: Spain/Spain/Spain/Spain
Year: 2012
01. Antes De La Tempestad
02. ... Alavno
03. Cult Of The Ancient Oak (Arms Of The Mother)
04. Choiva Nas Pedras Da Citania
05. Sortilexios Da Noite Tremerosa
06. Ladaíñas Do Meu Tormento
Sentimen Beltza
07. Arrastraria (Harrizko Basoak)
08. Beltzez Margotutako Lainoak
09. Iluntasunean...
Doom Of Valyria
10. The Others
11. Valyria
12. Feast For Crows
Decayed & Xerión - Hymns to Satan Na Mística Procura de Amh-Ghad-Ari

Genre: Black Metal/Black Metal
Country: Portugal/Spain
Year: 2005
01. Born the Antichrist
02. Hymn to Satan
03. The Curse
04. Metal Command (Exodus cover)
05. Descenso Polo Arbóreo Sendeiro do Delirio
06. Na Infinita Unión das Invisibles Raíces da Terra
07. Da Nocturnal Loita na Fraga
08. Amh-Ghad-Ari
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