Darkthrone - Old Star

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2019
01. I Muffle Your Inner Choir
02. The Hardship Of The Scots
03. Old Star
04. Alp Man
05. Duke Of Gloat
06. The Key Is Inside The Wall
Darkthrone - The Hardship of the Scots

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2019
01. The Hardship of the Scots
Darkthrone - Burial Bliss/Visual Aggression

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2017
01. Burial Bliss (Raw Master Version)
02. Visual Aggression (Celtic Frost Cover)
Darkthrone - The Wind Of 666 Black Hearts

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2016
Disc 01 - Rehearsals 1991
01. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
02. Kathaarian Life Code
03. The Pagan Winter
04. Where Cold Winds Blow
05. In the Shadow of the Horns
Disc 02 - Rehearsals 1992
01. Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust
02. Crossing the Triangle of Flames
03. Under a Funeral Moon
04. The Dance of Eternal Shadows
05. Unholy Black Metal
Darkthrone - Arctic Thunder

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2016
01. Tundra Leech
02. Burial Bliss
03. Boreal Fiends
04. Inbred Vermin
05. Arctic Thunder
06. Throw Me Through the Marshes
07. Deep Lake Trespass
08. The Wyoming Distance
Darkthrone - Black Death and Beyond

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2014
Disc 01 - Black
01. In the Shadow of the Horns
02. Inn i de dype skogers favn
03. Under a Funeral Moon
04. I en hall med flesk og mjød
05. The Hordes of Nebulah
06. The Claws of Time
07. Fucked Up & Ready to Die
08. Hate Is the Law
09. The Cult of Goliath
Disc 02 - Death
01. Snowfall
02. Sunrise over Locus Mortis
03. Soulside Journey
04. Neptune Towers
05. Nor the Silent Whispers
06. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia (NRK version)
07. Sadomasochistic Rites
08. In His Lovely Kingdom
09. Black Daimon
10. Paragon Belial
Disc 03 - Beyond
01. Graveyard Slut
02. Forebyggende krig
03. These Shores Are Damned
04. Pervertor of the 7 Gates
05. Wisdom of the Dead
06. The Winds They Called the Dungeon Shaker
07. Grizzly Trade
08. Those Treasures Will Never Befall You
09. Stylized Corpse
10. The Ones You Left Behind
Password: MDW
Darkthrone - The Underground Resistance

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2013
01. Dead Early
02. Valkyrie
03. Lesser Men
04. The Ones You Left Behind
05. Come Warfare, the Entire Doom
06. Leave No Cross Unturned
Darkthrone - Leave No Cross Unturned (Edit)

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2013
01. Leave No Cross Unturned (Edit)
Darkthrone - Introducing Darkthrone

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2012
Disc 01
01. Cromlech
02. Green Cave Float
03. In the Shadow of the Horns
04. Inn i de dype skogers favn
05. Skald av Satans sol
06. Triumphant Gleam
07. Blackwinged
08. To the Death (Under the King)
09. Command
Disc 02
01. Rust
02. Sacrificing to the God of Doubt
03. Too Old Too Cold
04. Forebyggende krig
05. Canadian Metal
06. The Winds They Called the Dungeon Shaker
07. Witch Ghetto
08. I Am the Graves of the 80s
09. Circle the Wagons
Password: MDW
Darkthrone - Sempiternal Past-The Darkthrone Demos

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2011
Disc 01
01. Land of Frost
02. Winds of Triton
03. Forest of Darkness
04. Odyssey of Freedom
05. Day of the Dead
06. Intro: Twilight Dimension
07. Snowfall
08. Eon
09. Thulcandra
Disc 02
01. Archipelago
02. The Watchtower (live)
03. Accumulation of Generalization (live)
04. Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality (live)
05. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia (video version)
06. Soria Moria Slott (live)
07. Eon (live) / Thulcandra (live)
08. God of Disturbance and Friction
Password: MDW
Darkthrone - Circle the Wagons

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2010
01. Those Treasures Will Never Befall You
02. Running for Borders
03. I Am the Graves of the 80s
04. Stylized Corpse
05. Circle the Wagons
06. Black Mountain Totem
07. I Am the Working Class
08. Eyes Burst at Dawn
09. Bränn inte slottet
Darkthrone - Dark Thrones and Black Flags

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2008
01. The Winds They Called the Dungeon Shaker
02. Death of All Oaths (Oath Minus)
03. Hiking Metal Punks
04. Blacksmith of the North (Keep That Ancient Fire)
05. Norway in September
06. Grizzly Trade
07. Hanging Out in Haiger
08. Dark Thrones and Black Flags
09. Launchpad to Nothingness
10. Witch Ghetto
Darkthrone - Frostland Tapes

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2008
Disc 01
01. Land of Frost
02. Winds of Triton
03. Forest of Darkness
04. Odyssey of Freedom
05. Day of the Dead
06. Intro: Twilight Dimension
07. Snowfall
08. Eon
09. Thulcandra
10. Archipelago
11. Soria Moria
Disc 02
01. The Watchtower
02. Accumulation of Generalization
03. Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality
04. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia
05. Cromlech
06. Sunrise over Locus Mortis
07. Soulside Journey
08. Accumulation of Generalization
09. Sempiternal Past / Presence View Sepulchrality
10. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia
11. Neptune Towers
Disc 03
01. Rex
02. Pure Demoniac Blessing
03. (The) Grimness of Which Shepherds Mourn
04. Sadomasochistic Rites
05. As Desertshadows
06. In His Lovely Kingdom
07. Black Daimon
08. Toward(s) the Thornfields
09. (Birth of Evil) Virgin Sin
10. Green Cave Float
11. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
12. Fenriz Drum Solo
Darkthrone - F.O.A.D.

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2007
01. These Shores Are Damned
02. Canadian Metal
03. The Church of Real Metal
04. The Banners of Old
05. F.O.A.D.
06. Splitkein Fever
07. Raised on Rock
08. Pervertor of the 7 Gates
09. Wisdom of the Dead
Darkthrone - NWOBHM (New Wave of Black Heavy Metal)

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2007
01. Wisdom of the Dead
02. Canadian Metal
03. Hedninger fra Helvete
04. Bad Attitude (Testors cover)
Darkthrone - The Cult Is Alive

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2006
01. The Cult of Goliath
02. Too Old Too Cold
03. Atomic Coming
04. Graveyard Slut
05.´Underdogs and Overlords
06. Whisky Funeral
07. De underjordiske (Ælia Capitolina)
08. Tyster på gud
09. Shut Up
10. Forebyggende krig
Darkthrone - Too Old Too Cold

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2006
01. Too Old Too Cold
02. High on Cold War
03. Love in a Void (Siouxsie and the Banshees cover)
04. Graveyard Slut
Darkthrone - Under beskyttelse av mørke

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2005
01. Unholy Black Metal
02. Under a Funeral Moon
03. Crossing the Triangle of Flames
Password: MDW
Darkthrone - Sardonic Wrath

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2004
01. Order of the Ominous
02. Information Wants to Be Syndicated
03. Sjakk matt Jesu Krist
04. Straightening Sharks in Heaven
05. Alle gegen alle
06. Man tenker sitt
07. Sacrificing to the God of Doubt
08. Hate Is the Law
09. Rawness Obsolete
Darkthrone - Hate Them

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2003
01. Rust
02. Det svartner nå
03. Fucked Up and Ready to Die
04. Ytterst i livet
05. Divided We Stand
06. Striving for a Piece of Lucifer
07. In Honour of Thy Name
Darkthrone - Plaguewielder

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2001
01. Weakling Avenger
02. Raining Murder
03. Sin Origin
04. Command
05. I, Voidhanger
06. Wreak
Darkthrone - Preparing for War

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 2000
01. Transilvanian Hunger
02. Snowfall
03. Archipelago
04. I en hall med flesk og mjød
05. The Pagan Winter
06. Grave with a View
07. Eon / Thulcandra (live)
08. Soria Moria (live)
09. Natassja in Eternal Sleep
10. Cromlech
11. In the Shadow of the Horns
12. Neptune Towers
13. Under a Funeral Moon
14. Skald av Satans sol
15. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia
Darkthrone & Mayhem - The True Legends In Black

Genre: Black Metal/Black Metal
Country: Norway/Norway
Year: 2000
01. Eon
02. Thulcandra
03. Archipelgo
04. Silvester Anfang
05. Deathcrush
06. Chainsaw Gutsfuck
07. Witching Hour
08. Necrolust
09. Cweirds Manheim
10. Pure Fucking Armageddon
11. Outro
Darkthrone - Ravishing Grimness

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1999
01. Lifeless
02. The Beast
03. The Claws of Time
04. Across the Vacuum
05. Ravishing Grimness
06. To the Death (Under the King)
Darkthrone & Storm & Satyricon & Neptune Towers & Wongraven & Isengard - Moonfog-Crusade from the North

Genre: Black Metal/Viking Folk Metal/Black Metal/Ambient Psychedelic Noise/Folk Ambient/Death/Black Metal
Country: Norway/Norway/Norway/Norway/Norway/Norway
Year: 1996
Disc 01
01. Ravnajuv
02. Oppi fjellet
03. Oppunder skrent og villmark
04. Taakeslottet
Neptune Towers
05. To Cold Void Desolation (Excerpt)
06. The Hordes of Nebulah
07. Born for Burning (Bathory cover)
08. Tiden er en stenlagt grav (Excerpt)
Disc 02
01. The Night of the Triumphator
02. Neslepaks
03. Noregsgard (Remix)
04. Dominions of Satyricon
05. Green Cave Float
Neptune Towers
06. Caravans to Empire Algol (Excerpt)
07. Mellom bakkar og berg
08. Skyggedans
Darkthrone - Total Death

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1996
01. Earth's Last Picture
02. Blackwinged
03. Gather for Attack on the Pearly Gates
04. Black Victory of Death
05. Majestic Desolate Eye
06. Blasphemer
07. Ravnajuv
08. The Serpents Harvest
Darkthrone - Goatlord

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1996
01. Rex
02. Pure Demoniac Blessing
03. (The) Grimness of Which Shepherds Mourn
04. Sadomasochistic Rites
05. As Desertshadows
06. In His Lovely Kingdom
07. Black Daimon
08. Toward(s) the Thornfields
09. (Birth of Evil) Virgin Sin
10. Green Cave Float
Darkthrone - Panzerfaust

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1995
01. En vind av sorg
02. Triumphant Gleam
03. The Hordes of Nebulah
04. Hans siste vinter
05. Beholding the Throne of Might
06. Quintessence
07. Snø og granskog (Utferd)
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1994
01. Transilvanian Hunger
02. Over fjell og gjennom torner
03. Skald av Satans sol
04. Slottet i det fjerne
05. Graven tåkeheimens saler
06. I en hall med flesk og mjød
07. As Flittermice as Satans Spys
08. En ås i dype skogen
Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1993
01. Natassja in Eternal Sleep
02. Summer of the Diabolical Holocaust
03. The Dance of Eternal Shadows
04. Unholy Black Metal
05. To Walk the Infernal Fields
06. Under a Funeral Moon
07. Inn i de dype skogers favn
08. Crossing the Triangle of Flames
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1992
01. Kathaarian Life Code
02. In the Shadow of the Horns
03. Paragon Belial
04. Where Cold Winds Blow
05. A Blaze in the Northern Sky
06. The Pagan Winter
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1991
01. Cromlech
02. Sunrise over Locus Mortis
03. Soulside Journey
04. Accumulation of Generalization
05. Neptune Towers
06. Sempiternal Sepulchrality
07. Grave with a View
08. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia
09. Nor the Silent Whispers
10. The Watchtower
11. Eon
Darkthrone - Cromlech

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1989
01. The Watchtower
02. Accumulation of Generalization
03. Sempiternal Past / Presence Wiew Sepulchrality
04. Iconoclasm Sweeps Cappadocia
Password: MDW
Darkthrone - Thulcandra

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1989
01. Eon
02. Thulcandra
03. Archipelago
Darkthrone - A New Dimension

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1988
01. Twilight Dimension
02. Snowfall
Darkthrone - Land of Frost

Genre: Black Metal
Country: Norway
Year: 1988
01. Land of Frost
02. Winds of Triton
03. Forest of Darkness
04. Odyssey of Freedom
05. Day of the Dead
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