Hate - Auric Gates Of Veles

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2019
01. Seventh Manvantara
02. Triskhelion
03. The Volga's Veins
04. Sovereign Sanctity
05. Path to Arkhen
06. Auric Gates of Veles
07. Salve Ignis
08. Generation Sulphur
09. In the Shrine of Veles (Pre-Production)
10. Path to Arkhen (Pre-Production)
Hate - Tremendum

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2017
01. Asuric Being
02. Indestructible Pillar
03. Svarog's Mountain
04. Numinosum
05. Fidelis ad Mortem
06. Into Burning Gehenna
07. Sea of Rubble
08. Ghostforce
09. Walk Through Fire
10. Hearts of Steel
Hate - Crvsade:Zero

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2015
01. Vox Dei (A Call from Beyond)
02. Lord, Make Me an Instrument of Thy Wrath!
03. Death Liberator
04. Leviathan
05. Doomsday Celebrities
06. Hate Is the Law
07. Valley of Darkness
08. Crvsade:Zero
09. The Omnipresence
10. Rise Omega the Consequence!
11. Dawn of War
12. Black Aura Debris
13. The Reaping
Hate - Solarflesh: A Gospel of Radiant Divinity

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2013
01. Watchful Eye ov Doom
02. Eternal Might
03. Alchemy ov Blood
04. Timeless Kingdom
05. Festival ov Slaves
06. Sadness Will Last Forever
07. Solarflesh
08. Endless Purity
09. Mesmerized
10. Hatehammer
11. Venom
12. Fall ov All Icons
Hate - Erebos

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2010
01. Genesis
02. Lux Aeterna
03. Erebos
04. Quintessence of Higher Suffering
05. Trinity Moons
06. Hero Cults
07. Transsubstance
08. Hexagony
09. Wrists
10. Luminous Horizon
Hate - The Litanies of Satan

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2009
01. Intro / Hex
02. Immolate the Pope
03. The Shroud
04. The Scrolls
05. Anti-God Extremity
06. Demigod
07. Close to the Nephilim
08. The Sin Becomes
09. The Kill (Napalm Death cover)
10. Postmortem (Slayer cover)
11. Awakening of the Liar
12. Spirit of Gospa
13. Flagellation
14. No Life After Death
15. Sectarian Murder / Outro
Hate - Morphosis

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2008
01. Metamorphosis
02. Threnody
03. Immum Coeli (Everlasting World)
04. Catharsis
05. Resurrection Machine
06. The Evangelistic Pain
07. Omega
08. Erased
Hate - Anaclasis: A Haunting Gospel of Malice & Hatred

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2005
01. Anaclasis
02. Necropolis
03. Hex
04. Malediction
05. Euphoria of the New Breed
06. Razorblade
07. Immortality
08. Fountains of Blood to Reach Heavens
Hate - Awakening of the Liar

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2003
01. Flagellation
02. Anti-God Extremity
03. Close to the Nephilim
04. Immolate the Pope
05. The Shroud (A Hellish Value)
06. The Scrolls
07. Awakening of the Liar
08. Serve God, Rely on Me (Hymn of Asa'el)
09. Grail in the Flesh
10. Spirit of Gospa
Hate - Cain's Way

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 2002
01. Apocalypse
02. ...and the Sin Becomes
03. Sectarian Murder
04. The Fifth Eternally Despised
05. Through Hate to Eternity
06. Shame of the Creator
07. Resurrected But Failed
08. Cain's Way
09. Holy Dead Trinity
10. Future Is Mayhem
11. From Cain to Cadmon
Hate - Victims

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 1999
01. Holy Dead Trinity
02. No Life After Death
03. Victims
04. God Overslept
05. The Kill (Napalm Death cover)
06. Postmortem (Slayer cover)
07. Decadence
08. Burn with Hatred
09. Performance
10. Living Sacrifice
11. Evil Art
12. Demigod
Hate - Lord Is Avenger

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 1998
01. Share Your Blood with Daemon
02. World Has to Die
03. Dead and Mystified
04. Intransigence of Evil
05. Enter the Hell
06. Convocation
07. Lord Is Avenger
08. Paradise as Lost
09. Pagan Triumph
10. Vexation of My Spirit
11. Satan's Horde
Hate - Daemon Qui Fecit Terram

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 1996
01. Animate the Blood
02. In Satan We Trust
03. Inflict the Pain
04. Almost You Are Dead
05. Merry Christless
06. Heaven like a Hole
07. Lords of Sin
08. An Eye for an Eye
09. Died in Vain
10. Daemon Qui Fecit Terram
11. Cadentia
Hate - Evil Art

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 1994
01. Purificated
02. Convocation
03. Evil Art
04. Living Sacrifice
05. Sweet Death
06. Demigod
07. Abhorrence
08. Psalm of Suffering
Hate - Abhorrence

Genre: Blackened Death Metal
Country: Poland
Year: 1992
01. Sweet Death
02. Curse of Dream
03. Abhorrence
04. Psalm of Suffer
05. Demigod
06. The Prayer