Moonreich - Wormgod

Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
Year: 2019
01. Wormgod
02. That Swinging Noose
03. They Burn Without Wings
04. To Crawl This World
05. Broken (Depeche Mode cover)
Moonreich - Fugue

Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
Year: 2018
01. Fugue, Pt. 1: Every Time She Passes Away
02. Fugue, Pt. 2: Every Time the Earth Slips Away
03. With Open Throat for Way Too Long
04. Heart Symbolism
05. Rarefaction
06. Carry That Drought Cause I Have No Arms Anymore
07. The Things Behind the Moon
Moonreich - Pillars of Detest

Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
Year: 2015
01. Ad Nauseam
02. Believe & Behead
03. Long Time Awaited Funeral
04. Sheïtan
05. Pillar Of Detest - World Shroud
06. All Born Sick
07. Freikorps
08. Death Winged Majesty
Moonreich - Terribilis Est Locus Iste

Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
Year: 2013
01. Terribilis Est Locust Iste
02. Bright Morning Star
03. Oppressive Light
04. Chant For A Darkened Gospel
05. The Serpent Presaging Sinister
06. Cursed The Day,Hailed The Night
07. Nos Conspuere In Vobis
08. Hidden Mystical World
09. And A Star Fell At The Fifth Sound
Moonreich - Curse Them

Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
Year: 2012
01. Slay the Prophet
02. The Serpent Presaging Sinister
03. Curse Them
04. Deathwish (Christian Death cover)
Moonreich - Loi Martiale

Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
Year: 2011
01. Le regard du pendu
02. Les psaumes d'Iscariote (Livre I : Le pardon du pendu)
03. Du sang sur les mains
04. En mon âme et conscience
05. Le réveil du pendu
06. En marche sur nos terres
07. Loi Martiale
08. Les psaumes d'Iscariote (Livre II : Mes ailes ne brûleront plus)
09. En préparant l'assaut...
10. L'aube de cristal
11. Untitled
Moonreich - Zoon Politikon

Genre: Black Metal
Country: France
Year: 2009
01. Intro
02. Ashes Humanity
03. War Post Trauma 666
04. Earth Slept In Hell
05. Apres La Bataille
06. Victory's Sickness
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